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Friday, March 28, 2025

Houston’s Fitness Czar Reaches out to 200 Mayors and Councilmembers of the Largest Cities in Texas

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Houston’s “Fitness Czar” Samir Becic‘s new campaign is onto its next phase! With his focus on promoting health and fitness, Samir is no stranger to campaigning- in fact, he famously ran 7 marathons in 8 weeks wearing a 73.5 lbs weighted vest to promote awareness and lived for 6 weeks with a 300 lbs weighted suit to better understand obesity. Reaching national and international levels with his campaigns, Samir is no stranger to tying politics into his fitness agenda. In recent years, he’s spearheaded dozens of campaigns including sending dedicated and signed books of his HarperCollins published “ReSync Your Life” to U.S. political leaders in an effort to inspire them to keep motivating Americans to live healthier and fitter.

Obesity is a public health issue that is even more of a problem than the opioid epidemic. A rise in obesity also means a rise in diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, and more. Having said that, it is important for there to be laws and regulations regarding things such as nutritional value in foods and physical activity. In Texas alone, there is a higher obesity rate in comparison to the United States as a whole. In fact, obesity rates in Texas have gotten so severe, the state has joined 15 other states that have over 35% of adults being considered ‘obese’.  If no change is done, obesity-related diseases and death rates are to rise dramatically by 2030. Having said that, 4 x#1 Fitness Trainer in America Samir Becic wants to reverse these trending statistics and make a change. Since the start of the year, he’s sent over 500 letters to school districts throughout Texas and nationwide. Now, he’s reaching out to local lawmakers.

As part of his 2022 fitness campaign, Houston’s official “Fitness Czar” Samir Becic is reaching out to prominent Texas politicians to bring awareness to the ongoing issue of obesity. Starting with the 150 Mayors of Texas’ most populated cities –from Houston, McAllen, La Porte, and just about everyone in between, Samir is sending a letter highlighting the importance of fitness and nutrition in hopes of making a change. He also sent 50 letters to the councilmembers of Texas’ 4 largest cities (Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin), since their positions play an integral role in city governance. Next, he will also contact Texas Representatives and Senators, Judges, and Commissioners. This is in addition to previously sending dedicated books to the 36 U.S. Congressmembers and 2 U.S. Senators that represent Texas!

There are a vareity of different factors that can contribute to obesity like poor diet, lack of physical activity, family factors, psychological factors, and socioeconomic factors, it is important to assess the problem as a whole and provide a space for people of all ages and backgrounds to learn about the importance of health and fitness. 

Texas has an ongoing issue with combating obesity, therefore it is pertinent for the people of Texas to learn the importance of health and fitness to adopt these ideas in order to lead a healthier lifestyle. Here are some alarming facts about obesity in Texas:

  • In Texas, data has shown that obesity costs $10.5 billion in 2001, with that cost estimated to grow to $39 billion in 2040
  • Over 20% of adults in Texas of different age ranges are obese
  • In Texas, over 30% of its population is obese
  • The highest obesity rates in Texas are among those aged 45-54
  • Over 30% of adults in Texas get less than 7 hours of sleep (a major contributor to obesity)
  • In 2019, 27.2% of adults were physically inactive
  • 90% of adults in Texas during the year of 2019 were not eating the daily fruit and vegetable daily intake levels
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