HFR founder and Houston’s Official Fitness Czar, Samir Becic, recently met former Ohio Governor John Kasich at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin, Texas. Samir, a health and fitness expert, businessman, and 4 x #1 Fitness Trainer in America, went to listen to Kasich who was on a Mental Health advocacy panel. After the discussion, Samir had a chance to gift to the former governor and 2016 Presidential Candidate a dedicated copy of his health and fitness book “ReSync Your Life” and discuss their shared Balkan roots.
Samir is a tireless advocate for public health and fitness and his work in recent years has been expansive and impactful. He has spearheaded dozens of campaigns on the national and international levels. One of his over-arching campaigns involved sending 2000 dedicated and signed books of his HarperCollins published “ReSync Your Life” to U.S. political leaders in an effort to inspire them to keep motivating Americans to live healthier and fitter and vote on legislation that positively impacts public health.
Samir, as a Bosnian-American, presented Governor Kasich with a limited-edition coffee table book called “Bosna i Hercegovina Ocima Ljubavi” (which translates to “Bosnia and Herzegovina Through Eyes of Love”) that highlights the natural beauty of Bosnia. The former Governor was honored to accept this gift and thanked Samir for his service to the community. Interesting fact: both Gov. Kasich and Samir have Balkan heritage! The meeting was a great opportunity for Samir to meet a fellow Balkan who has made such an impact on the American political scene. The two men enjoyed talking about their roots. After the talk, Kasich suggested they should keep in touch and Samir is looking forward to collaborating on potential health advocacy.

John Richard Kasich Jr. is an American politician, author, and television news host who served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1983 to 2001 and as the 69th governor of Ohio from 2011 to 2019. A Republican, Kasich ran for the party’s Presidential nomination in 2000 and 2016 against Donald Trump.
Here is what Samir had to say about this meeting: “It was an honor to meet John Kasich, with whom I share Balkan heritage. I respect and support his advocacy for mental health”.