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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The 2020 Presidential Candidates’ Fitness Profiles

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The 2020 Presidential election might be more than a year away, but the next presidential hopefuls are already coming to the forefront, and one of these 23 candidates will be going up against President Trump on November 3rd, 2020. The President of the U.S. is not only the leader of the free democratic world, but also an example to us, our children, and indeed the rest of the world. Because of this, presidents have a moral and ethical responsibility to serve as a good example – and this extends to the way they live their lives as well.

“The president’s job is a very stressful one that requires him or her to be on duty 24/7. The stress that they are exposed to can affect their health so drastically that if they don’t maintain a healthy lifestyle, they can be subjected to any number of chronic illnesses – both physical and mental,” said HFR Founder Samir Becic. We are noticing an increase in healthy and fit heads of state in other countries who are becoming dominant world leaders. With this article, we hope to make sure that our president is healthy and fit in order to improve this country, so that it can continue to be a dominant force in the world for decades to come.

With this being said, HFR is politically neutral and not affiliated with any political party.

The Health Fitness Revolution institute, we did a combination of research on each of these politicians through various interviews, internet sources, library, industry literature, and videos. This project was led by HFR founder Samir Becic, who is a leader in the industry and has knowledge and experience of over two decades as a health and fitness professional, coupled with his experience as a four-time No. 1 Fitness Trainer in the World.

Hopefully, this motivates these 23 presidential hopefuls to improve their nutrition, fitness, and advocacy about healthy lifestyle over the next year as we perfect this list– who knows, maybe in our next report card, we can add more health and fitness information for all of them! Over the next year, we will also be narrowing these candidates to the fittest. This list is ranked in alphabetical order and frequently updated:

Amy Klobuchar (59)

  • Takes special interest in nutritional affairs.
  • Likes taking walks on trails.
  • Loves cycling.
  • As a junior at Yale, she went with her father on an 1,100-mile (100 miles a day) bike ride from Minneapolis to the Grand Tetons.

Andrew Yang (44)

  • Played basketball with his interns.
  • Enjoys riding scooters, specially in LA.
  • Wants to compensate athletes who practice dangerous sports.

Bernie Sanders (77)

  • Follows the paleo diet.
  • Chops his own wood.
  • Likes to take strolls.

Beto O’Rourke (46)

  • Made our Top 100 Fittest U.S Politicians and our Top 10% Fittest Congress Members.
  • Likes to run and even wrote an article about it on medium.
  • Frequently posts workouts LIVE on Facebook.
  • Member of Sports and Fitness Industry Association.
  • Regularly incorporates fitness into town hall meetings with “Biking with Beto”.
  • Baseball enthusiast and plays for the congressional baseball team.
  • Reaches out to his veteran constituency about access to health care.

Cory Booker (50)

Elizabeth Warren (69)

  • Enjoys hiking.
  • Enjoys walking her Golden Retriever named George Bailey.

Eric Swalwell (38)

  • Made our Top 10% Fittest Congress Members List.
  • Played soccer in college.
  • Enjoys going to the gym.
  • Supports the Women’s Health Protection Act, which protects women’s access to reproductive services.

Jay Inslee (68)

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Brb, on my way to defeat climate change.

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Joe Biden (76)

John Delaney (56)

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This is the only way I know how to do it – go everywhere, talk to everyone, put in the work and the time. We’re running an old-fashioned Caucus campaign and giving the voters the respect they deserve – they want to talk to you one-on-one, hear your platform, get to know you and also make sure you know what’s important to them. They’ve already made me a better advocate for them. The truth is, when you talk to thousands of Iowans at hundreds of events, you hear a different story about the future of the #DemocraticParty and what the country needs than what you hear from the special interests and insiders. This is my family and me at the 2017 @iowastatefair—can’t wait to be back! #iapolitics #iacaucus

Una publicación compartida de John Delaney (@johndelaney) el

  • Plans to create universal health care and lower prescription drug prices.
  • Supports Affordable Care Act.

John Hickenlooper (67)

  • Made our list of Top Fittest Governors in 2016 and 2017.
  • Worked at making Colorado the healthiest state through health and fitness promotion.
  • Works out at Inward Fitness Gym.
  • Expanded the Colorado Governor’s Council for Physical Fitness.
  • Participated in “Spring into Health Mayor’s Walk”.

Julian Castro (44)

  • Played various sports including basketball, football, and tennis in his youth.
  • Described as a sports buff in his youth.
  • Supports universal health care.

Kamala Harris (54)

  • Made our Top 10 Fittest Senators 2017 list.
  • Plans to expand Medicare to everyone.
  • Works out with her husband on Sundays.
  • Works out every morning in a SoulCycle class.
  • Follows the Mediterranean Diet.
  • Enjoys swimming.

Kirsten Gillibrand (52)

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‪Getting ready for tonight’s CNN town hall!

Una publicación compartida de Kirsten Gillibrand (@kirstengillibrand) el

  • Made our 2016 and 2017 list of the Top 10 Fittest Senators.
  • Supports the Healthy Food Financing Initiative, which promotes the development of accessible grocers and farmers markets.
  • Supports expansion of SNAP aid.
  • Wants to end childhood obesity by offering healthier lunch options and eliminated food that have trans fats from the menu.
  • Enjoys running and playing squash and softball.
  • Eats a diet of primarily grilled chicken and veggies.

Marianne Williamson (66)

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TO MY DONORS: Because of you we have been able to mount a credible campaign, travel around the country, and begin communicating my message of moral and spiritual renewal in American politics. I am writing to ask you a favor: in order for the money you already donated to have not been in vain, I need to be able to turn your investment into a powerful return. And for that, I need to be on the DNC debate stage this summer with the other candidates. I need 40,000 more unique contributors in order to get into the debates. You yourself giving me another dollar would not help in this process, but if you make a personal commitment to asking at least one other person to contribute at least one dollar, that will get us over the finish line. Will you do that? Either with a phone call, a post, an email, or whatever — will you please commit to asking at least one other like-minded friend to send a dollar to make this happen? It will not be difficult to do this, if all of us who want it will take this one next step. And as one of my donors, you hold the key to making it happen. I will let you know the moment we hit our mark. Thank you so much. This is such a wonderful journey, and I know that together we can change the world. 💗🇺🇸💗 Marianne2020.com

Una publicación compartida de Marianne Williamson (@mariannewilliamson) el

  • Made our The 10 Fittest Religious Leaders in the U.S. list.
  • Enjoys meditation.
  • Promotes healthier lifestyle.
  • Supports healthy weight loss.
  • Founder of Project Angel Food, which prepares and delivers healthy food to individuals that are struggling with serious illness.

Michael Bennet (54)

  • Supports the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program.
  • Enjoys taking outdoor trips with his family.

Mike Gravel (89)

  • Plans on implementing a universal healthcare program that will provide standard, quality healthcare to every citizen regardless of their wealth.
  • Wants to expand drug coverage under Medicare.

Pete Buttigieg (37)

  • Participates in Memorial Day walks.
  • Built basketball courts to encourage an active lifestyle.
  • Enjoys cycling.
  • Participates in walks and marathons to celebrate holidays.
  • Publicly criticized anti-abortion legislation and supports the right of women to access reproductive health services.

Seth Moulton (40)

  • Former U.S. Marine.
  • Deployed to Iraq four times.
  • Promotes eating disorder prevention.

Tim Ryan (45)

  • Made our Top 100 Fittest U.S Politicians List
  • Advocates for Meditation in Washington.
  • Sponsored a bill to increase holistic medicine in the VA health system.
  • Was a high school football star.
  • Critical of processed foods.
  • Promotes healthy food and healthy people.

Tulsi Gabbard (38)

Wayne Messam (44)

  • Former FSU football player.
  • FSU 1993 Championship.
  • Still enjoys playing football and running marathons.
  • Runs 4-5 miles three times a week.
  • Goes to the gym twice a week (one day for upper body, one day for lower body).
  • Follows a low fat and high protein diet.
  • Avoids eating pork and fried foods and replaces them with grilled/baked fish and chicken.

William Weld (73)

  • Supports increased Medicaid access.

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