CALL TO ACTION: All the supplement companies in America should donate their immune-boosting vitamins/minerals to first responders! Nothing is more patriotic right now than trying to protect our first responders.
CALL TO ACTION: All the supplement companies in America should donate their immune-boosting vitamins/minerals to first responders! Nothing is more patriotic right now than trying to protect our first responders! #supplements #immunebooster #vitamin #minerals #nutrition #Health
— Samir Becic (@SamirBecic) March 19, 2020
Samir Becic and the Health Fitness Revolution team reached out to every major supplement company in America to donate products to our first responders. Samir says “I’m still waiting on their responses.”
As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic grips the United States, we need to keep in mind the heroes that are keeping us healthy and safe- the first responders, doctors, nurses, and medical staff that are working overtime. Our first responders are on the front line of both helping us and keeping us safe while also being inadvertently exposed to the Coronavirus, risking infection. As such, we need to do everything in our power to keep them healthy!
With so little known of the novel Coronavirus, and a vaccine not yet available, the best thing we can do to combat it is making our immune systems as robust as possible! Along with getting enough sleep, being diligent in washing your hands with soap and water, and having a nutrient-dense diet, supplements can help boost your immune system.