Just because Health Fitness Revolution founder and ReSYNC method creator Samir is out of the country doesn’t mean he’s taking a break from fitness (after all, the man eat, breathes, and sleeps fitness)! He’s currently training in the Canadian Rockies for his next secret and extreme fitness challenge, which will be announced in 2 months. Since he couldn’t bring his weighted vest with him, he’s been hiking mountains while towing his 50 lbs son on his back! In the video below, you can see Samir running up the mountain at top speed with his extra cargo (Hi Ares!) strapped on as he exclaims “For a healthy and fit America!”.
Samir is no stranger to training with weighted vests. Last year, he stunned the world with his 3-mile trek around Memorial Park loop wearing 200 lbs extra and mimicking a living body of over 500 lbs! Stay tuned for next extreme physical experiment later this year…

Although Samir himself loves extreme fitness, his philosophy encompasses a much more balanced approach to fitness, nutrition, mental, social, and spiritual synchrony. To pre-order his life-changing book releasing Oct 31st, 2017, click here. Learn how to become the happiest, strongest, and smartest version of yourself with the revolutionary ReSYNC Method.