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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Top 10% Fittest Congress Members 2018

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Regardless of party affiliation, it is important that our leaders demonstrate a healthy lifestyle and physical fitness. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind – we want our leaders to be healthy!

Political leaders can be one of the building blocks towards attaining a healthy lifestyle in mainstream America. Their influence in making the laws and their presence in media can be imperative towards exciting the masses into changing their nutrition for the better and being more physically active. Coupled with corporations, politicians can produce the necessary financial means to support the media is starting to become more proactive in providing the exposure needed to make wide-ranging changes towards a healthier U.S. Through having a healthier workforce, corporations will also see great added benefits to supporting the new health and fitness movement.

Given that there are 435 representatives in Congress, this list was incredibly challenging to complete. We first researched all the available data on all representatives online and narrowed it down to the top 10%. We used a combination of interviews, internet, library, industry literature, and my extensive knowledge of over 33 years in athletics coupled with my experience as 4 times Number 1 Fitness Trainer in the World.

 The politicians on this list not only lead healthy lifestyles themselves, but also promote it within their leadership roles to their constituents. The following was taken into consideration: fitness level, nutritional habits, age, medical issues and how they coped with these, as well as involvement and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. We hope this list inspires more members of Congress to not only lead healthy lifestyles, but to promote health and fitness in their district and the nation.

Kyrsten Sinema – Arizona

  • Competed in the Ironman Competition
  • Runs 30 miles per week
  • Bikes 2 days per week
  • Swims 2 days per week
  • Trains about 20 hours per week
  • Plans to run in the Boston Marathon
  • Participated in the Phoenix Rock N’Roll

Nancy Pelosi – California

  • Starts her day off with a 45 minute power walk

Eric Swalwell – California

  • College soccer player
  • Enjoys going to the gym

Kevin McCarthy – California

  • Described by CNN as a workout buff
  • Enjoys biking along Rock Creek Park’s trails in Washington
  • Does P90X
  • Started joining Paul Ryan for his morning workout

Adam Schiff – California

The finish line of the #malibutriathlon!

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  • Biked in the AIDS Life Cycle race: 545 miles
  • Has completed endurance races staged in the District, Philadelphia, New York City, and Malibu

Lucille Roybal – Allard – California

Awarded the Heart of the Family award from the Weingart East LA YMCA

  • Realizes the importance of exercise and nutrition programs to help fight diseases and obesity
  • Stops in at the East LA’s Eastmont Community Center for aerobics with her constituents to encourage staying active

Dana Rohrabacher – California

  • Enjoys surfing

Janice Hahn-California

  • Has done the polar bear swim for the past 11 years
  • Did the Compton Walk for Breast Cancer
  • Did Zumba at the Senior’s Luncheon
  • Participated in the Congressional Women’s Softball game

Scott Tipton – Colorado

  • Either goes for a morning run or does a high intensity workout on the elliptical

Jim Himes – Connecticut

With my friend Floyd Lapp getting ready to join Mayor Martin for #BiketoWorkDay2014

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  • Was captain of the lightweight crew team at Harvard
  • Walked 31 miles from Wall Street to his come in Connecticut (9 hours) during the 2003 blackout in New York
  • Avid rower
  • Promoted physical fitness at the Greenwich Boy’s Club
  • Named one of the fittest politicians by Men’s Health

John Carney – Delaware

  • Took part in Be Healthy Delaware Day
  • Part of the “Get Up and Do Something” Healthy People 2020 Campaign
  • He says, “Just a bit can keep you fit. That’s our new slogan, and it’s meant to let young adults know that walking 30 minutes a day, three days a week, is every bit as healthy as engaging in exercises that give the body a real beating.”

Vern Buchanan – Florida

  • Lost 25 pounds
  • Cycles for one hour and burns about 1200 calories
  • Swims at home
  • Frequently goes west to hike
  • Light training and flexibility routines
  • Eats mainly a vegetarian diet, but enjoys fish or steak occasionally
  • He says, “You can try to lose weight, but it won’t work, no matter how much you exercise if you’ve got a bad diet. Part of my program is I eat a lot more vegetables and fruits, not a hundred percent, but as much as I can. I think it’s the combination that’s really made the difference for me.”

Debbie Wasserman Schultz – Florida

  • Played in the congressional softball game
  • Enjoys hiking and swimming
  • Eats a well-balanced diet

Tom Graves – Georgia

Nice run through the countryside #Trilife #run #ga14

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    • Star athlete in high school
  • Bikes or runs through the Georgia mountains everyday
  • Training for another triathlon

Tulsi Gabbard – Hawaii

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  • Works out with Aaron Schock, Paul Ryan, and Scott Peters
  • Follows P90X
  • Does a Brazilian martial art called capoeira
  • Surfs
  • Took the Army Physical Fitness Test with a score of 287

Daniel Lipinski – Illinois

  • Avid runner
  • Participates in numerous races each year with his wife (2 miles to half marathons)
  • Cares for his Type 1 Diabetes

Tammy Duckworth – Illinois

  • Iraq war veteran
  • Lieutenant colonel in the Illinois Army National Guard
  • Former US Army helicopter pilot
  • Enjoys scuba diving, surfing, skydiving and flies as a civilian pilot
  • Completed several marathons

Rodney Davis – Illinois

  • Coaches son’s little league team
  • Co-chairs a multimillion-dollar YMCA
  • Ran in the ACLI Capital Challenge 5K

Adam Kinzinger – Illinois

  • In the Top 25 fittest politicians according to Men’s Health
  • Enjoys running and weightlifting
  • Air Force Pilot – 3 tours

Cheri Bustos – Illinois

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  • Starts her day at 5 am at the gym
  • Member of the Illinois College Sports Hall of Fame
  • Relaxes at the gym when not working
  • High school and college athlete playing basketball and volleyball
  • She says, “I still work out. That’s my release.”

André Carson – Indiana

Happy #LaborDay to all of Indiana’s hard working men and women!

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  • Strong supporter of Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign
  • Strong supporter of Farmers Market Promotion Programs and other programs that promote local gardens
  • Former Homeland Security agent

Todd Young – Indiana

  • Enlisted in the US Navy
  • Participated in Varsity athletics in the US Naval Academy in Annapolis

Joseph P. Kennedy III – Massachusetts

  • Member of the Peace Corps
  • Played lacrosse at Stanford

Stephen F. Lynch – Massachusetts

  • Ran in the 118th Boston Marathon (2014)

Erik Paulsen – Minnesota

  • Climbed Mt. Washburn with family

Tom Reed – New York

  • In 2013, underwent gastric bypass surgery to lose 70 pounds and is now diabetes free.
  • “It’s not about the numbers, but just being healthy”
  • Plays basketball with son.
  • Drinks plenty of water and take vitamins.
  • Eats small portions.

Hakeem Jeffries – New York

Safe? . . #CongressionalBaseballGame #Democrats #Baseball #TBT

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  • Plays in the congressional Baseball League
  • Hosts a Health and Wellness expo

Jim Jordan-Ohio

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  • Former wrestler at University of Wisconsin.
  • Active role in high school wrestling in Ohio.
  • On the fitness caucus.

Tim Ryan-Ohio

Ready to take on Republicans tonight at the #congressionalbaseballgame!

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  • Uses mindfulness techniques for stress reduction and encourages them to others; wrote a book on it called “A Mindful Nation”
  • “If we can shave a fraction of the health care costs of chronic stress, we’re talking about real savings,” He said. ” Heart disease. Type 2 diabetes. Politically, this cuts across the aisle. You hear one side talk about being compassionate towards kids and investing in education. We also hear about saving money and deficits and individual responsibility.”
  • “Well, What more can you give to a human being than to teach them how to be responsible for their own health by reducing their stress level, increasing their focus and boosting their immune system?”

Markwayne Mullin – Oklahoma

  • Enjoys hunting
  • Rancher

Tom Marino – Pennsylvania

  • Spends a few days a week running and a few lifting weights.
  • Spends an hour at the congress-only gym every morning.
  • Is always on the go and keeps moving.

Keith Rothfus – Pennsylvania

  • Avid marathon runner
  • Cancer Survivor; had abdominal surgery
  • Ran the Pittsburgh Marathon  in 2011-injured, but still finished.

David Cicilline – Rhode Island

  • Enjoys boxing, does it about twice a week.
  • Participated in Eliot Kamentiz Father’s Day Ride

Kristi Noem – South Dakota

Revolution Yoga and Cycle Studio in Sioux Falls tonight with Miss Kylee! 🙌🏼

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  • Experience rancher and farmer
  • Avid hunter (pheasant hunting and archery elk are her favorites)
  • Helps kids compete in rodeo and 4-H
  • Participates in the Congress women’s Softball game
  • Runs with the family  in 5Ks

Marc Veasey – Texas

  • Posted on Facebook: “The greatest wealth is health”
  • Works at UPS
  • Meets with the Fort Worth Health Fair
  • Many posts about health on Facebook.

Dave Reichert-Washington

  • Served in the Air Force
  • Was a sheriff for King County
  • Uses P90X
  • Gets up at 5 AM to workout
  • “It’s mind over mattress.”

Paul Ryan – Wisconsin

  • Uses P90X
  • Lead a class on physical fitness on Capital Hill
  • Avoids fast-food and desserts
  • Worked as a personal trainer
  • Works out 6 days a week

Ron Kind – Wisconsin

  • Supports/introduced:
  • Fitness Integrated with Teaching (FIT) Kids Act
  • Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Act
  • Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act
  • Apart of the Fitness Caucus

Sean Duffy – Wisconsin

  • was nationally recognized professional lumberjack athlete
  • Teaches his 6 kids how to log-roll

Tom Cotton – Arkansas

  • Challenges himself by running regularly and in marathons

Duncan D. Hunter – California

  • Was in the Marines

Brad Wenstrup – Ohio

  • Enjoys playing baseball
  • A veteran combat surgeon

Scott Perry – Pennsylvania

  • Was in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard
  • Served in Iraq
  • Likes to play baseball

Beto O’Rourke – Texas

  • Likes to regularly go for walks and runs outside
  • Runs in marathons
  • Likes to play baseball from time to time

Honorable Mentions

    • Luke Messer – Indiana
    • Chris Collins – New York
    • Greg Walden – Oregon     
    • Lou Barletta – Pennsylvania
    • Peter Welch – Vermont
    • Billy Johnson- Ohio


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