I’m currently in Las Vegas comparing their 2 restaurants in terms of healthy food options and other factors that support or contradict a healthy ambiance in a restaurant.
The two particular restaurants I’m comparing are Wolfgang Puck’s Spago and Gordon Ramsay’s Pub & Grill. Both celebrity chefs are European, so Americans are sometimes shy of being critical of them because they are “Europeans” with charm, style, slight arrogance, tremendous success, and sharp tongues! I don’t have that problem because I’m 💯 % European :).
The full evaluation will be published next week on the HealthFitnessRevolution website, but I can already tell you this: these two gentlemen will be criticized more than they have been used to in the past. Honestly, I was expecting more from restaurants with such strong chefs behind them.
Wolfgang Puck and Gordon Ramsay- you can do so much more to promote healthy food that tastes good! I’m a little disappointed!!
By Samir Becic