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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Day 3 of 28lbs in 28 days

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The challenge has officially begun, and Samir Becic, our founder, and author of ReSYNC Your Life is embarking on his 28lbs in 28 days challenge with you!

He is inviting all of YOU to join him in this weight loss challenge along with him– all you need to do it buy his book and follow him on social media (Instagramtwitter, and facebook), where he will reference his exact formula and what he is doing DAILY (from his book!) to lose 28 lbs in 28 days. Since this is week 1, we will excerpt the parts of the tips in the book he is referencing each day this week, but to get the workout component of this challenge make sure to order your copy today!

Remember, as you progress along this challenge and get results, let us know, so we can highlight and publish you!

Day 3 Tip for Easing Into the Plan (Pg. 75)

Eat Nuts: Highly nutritious and energy dense, nuts are the perfect food to ward off cravings. Some nuts, such as raw cashews and macadamia nuts, also taste sweet and creamy, giving the illusion of having a sweet treat. Numerous studies show that people who eat a small quantity of nuts in a day are slenderer than those who don’t eat any nuts at all.

Day 3 Tip to Boost Your Brainpower (Pg. 116)

Read Backward: Find an article on health and fitness, and read it from end to beginning. When you’re done, see how much you can remember of what you’ve read.

Day 3 Tip to ReSync Your Spirit and Uplift Your Life (Pg. 129)

Smile! Studies show that when we smile we actually feel better, even if we weren’t feeling so great in the first place.

Day 3 ReSYNC Fitness Exercises

Perform the exercise and active rest exercise on pages 36-37 of ReSYNC Your Life.

Now add these to the exercises from Days 1 and 2, for a total of 5 exercises and 5 active rests.

Perform them once now, and once before bedtime.

You can find Day 1 here and Day 2 here.

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